SECTION 230:15-9-19. Applications for change of voter registration  

Latest version.
  • (a)   Application for change of registration. A registered voter may apply to change his or her voter registration by completing and submitting a voter registration application form. Changes of voter registration include but may not be limited to change of residence address, change of mailing address, change of political affiliation, and change of name.
    (b)   Determining whether an application is for change of registration. A registered voter who applies to change his or her registration is instructed on the application form to enter information about the former registration in Section 9 of the Oklahoma Voter Registration Application form or in Boxes A and B of the federal voter registration application form. When information from a voter registration application is entered in MESA, the software will locate any registration records found in the state that may match the information entered. County Election Board personnel shall follow the appropriate software instructions to determine whether the applicant is already registered, either in the county or in another county in Oklahoma, and is changing his or her registration. If voter registration information for the applicant is found in the voter registration database, the new application information shall be entered as a change to the existing registration even if the voter failed to indicate previous registration information on the application form.
    (c)   Exceptions to required information for change of registration. Some exceptions to the information required on a valid voter registration application, as outlined in 230:15-5-84, may be made in the case of an application for change of registration.
    (1)   Political affiliation. In the event that a registered voter who applies for change of address or change of name fails to indicate political affiliation on the application for the change, the voter's existing political affiliation, as recorded in the voter registration database, shall remain unchanged. The procedure described in 230:15-5-84(c) shall apply only to applications for new registration in the county.
    (2)   Date of birth. In the event that a registered voter who applies for any change of voter registration fails to provide his or her date of birth on the application for the change, the application shall not be rejected if both of the following circumstances exist.
    (A)   The application is valid in all other respects and County Election Board personnel are able to make a positive identification of the voter from other information provided on the application form and from information already recorded in the voter registration database.
    (B)   The voter's date of birth is already recorded in the voter registration database.
[Source: Added at 12 Ok Reg 2225, eff 7-1-95; Amended at 16 Ok Reg 522, eff 1-1-99 (emergency); Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2404, eff 7-1-99; Amended at 18 Ok Reg 1862, eff 7-1-01; Amended at 27 Ok Reg 1124, eff 6-1-10; Amended at 28 Ok Reg 1132, eff 7-1-11]