SECTION 230:15-9-22.1. Processing application for change of political affiliation during prohibited period  

Latest version.
  • (a)   Registered voters are prohibited by law from changing political affiliations from April 1 through August 31, inclusive, in even-numbered years. The County Election Board Secretary is required by law to hold applications for change of political affiliation that are received during this period and to activate the changes on September 1.
    (b)   Voter registration applications for change of political affiliation received during the prohibited period that include no other voter registration changes shall be processed as follows.
    (1)   Follow steps 1 through 3 in 230:15-9-22(a). Enter in MESA all the information the voter provided on the application when the application is received. When the new political affiliation is entered, the voter registration software warns that the political affiliation change is invalid and flags the application to hold for activation on September 1.
    (2)   From April 1 through August 31, request and print Held Change of Affiliation Notices each time voter identification cards and rejection notices are requested and printed. Held Change of Affiliation Notices are letters to voters explaining that their change of political affiliation will be held and activated on September 1.
    (3)   From April 1 through August 31, request and print the Held Change of Affiliation List each time voter identification cards are requested. The Held Change of Affiliation List contains the names of all voters whose political affiliation changes have been held since the last time this report was requested. Retain the Pending Political Affiliation Change Lists in chronological order by print date for 24 months.
    (4)   Mail the Held Change of Affiliation Notice to the applicant.
    (5)   File the voter registration application in a special file for Pending Affiliation Changes.
    (6)   On September 1, follow these steps.
    (A)   Request and print voter identification cards.
    (B)   When voter identification cards are requested, an Affiliation Change Notice letter also is generated to each voter whose political affiliation change has been held. Use of these letters is optional.
    (C)   Mail voter identification cards and Affiliation Change Notice letter, if used, to voter.
    (D)   Request and print the Affiliation Change List and retain it for 24 months.
    (E)   Move the voter registration application form from the Pending Affiliation Change Applications file to the Central File.
    (F)   Remove the voter's old voter registration form from the Central File and retain it in the Cancellation File as outlined in 230:10-7-43.
    (c)   Voter registration applications for change of political affiliation received during the prohibited period that also include other valid voter registration changes shall be processed as follows.
    (1)   Follow steps 1 through 3 outlined in subsection (a) of 230:15-9-22. Enter in MESA all the information the voter provided on the application. When the new political affiliation is entered, the voter registration software warns that the political affiliation change is invalid and flags the application to hold this change until September 1. Other valid changes, such as changes of name or address, are accepted.
    (2)   Request and print voter identification cards, rejection notices, and Held Change of Affiliation Notices.
    (3)   Match the voter's new voter identification card with the Held Change of Affiliation Notice and mail them together to the voter.
    (4)   Request and print the Held Change of Affiliation List and retain it for 24 months.
    (5)   Indicate on the new voter registration application form that the political affiliation becomes effective on September 1.
    (6)   Remove the voter's old voter registration form from the Central File and file it in the Cancellation File unless other information on the old form requires that it remain in the Additional Information Correspondence File.
    (7)   File the voter's new registration form in the Central File.
    (8)   On September 1, follow these steps.
    (A)   Request and print voter identification cards.
    (B)   When voter identification cards are requested, an Affiliation Change Notice letter also is generated for each voter whose political affiliation change has been held. Use of these letters is optional.
    (C)   Mail voter identification cards and Affiliation Change Notice letters, if used, to voters.
    (D)   Print Affiliation Change List and retain it for 24 months.
    (d)   Request and print a copy of the Pending Political Affiliation Changes List before the Primary Election and again before the Runoff Primary Election to use to help answer questions from voters about their political affiliation on election day. Print a final copy of this report on September 1 and retain it for 24 months.
[Source: Added at 16 Ok Reg 2404, eff 7-1-99; Amended at 18 Ok Reg 1862, eff 7-1-01; Amended at 21 Ok Reg 547, eff 2-3-04 (emergency); Amended at 22 Ok Reg 1859, eff 7-1-05; Amended at 27 Ok Reg 1124, eff 6-1-10; Amended at 28 Ok Reg 1132, eff 7-1-11; Amended at 30 Ok Reg 1631, eff 7-15-13; Amended at 35 Ok Reg 1185, eff 9-14-18]