SECTION 252:515-43-3. Feedstock types for composting facilities  

Latest version.
  •   Feedstock material is divided into the following four (4) types based on increasing level of potential risk to human health and the environment from physical contaminants and human pathogens:
    (1)   Type 1. Composed of yard trimmings, wood chips, woody materials, crop residues, hay, cotton-gin waste, additives, biofilters, and other materials approved by DEQ.
    (2)   Type 2. Composed of source-separated organics, shredded paper, cardboard, computer paper, white paper, newspapers, napkins, other paper products and bulking agents, and other materials approved by DEQ.
    (3)   Type 3. Composed of biosolids, food processing residuals, cooking oils, fats and greases, and other materials approved by DEQ.
    (4)   Type 4. Composed of mixed (non-source separated) organics, commercial waste, and other materials approved by DEQ.
[Source: Added at 34 Ok Reg 1199, eff 9-15-17]