SECTION 252:656-25-2. Slow rate land application design

Latest version.
  • (a)   Treatment. Primary treatment of wastewater shall be completed in the primary lagoon cell(s) prior to being land applied. Wastewatershall not be land applied out of a primary lagoon cell.
    (b)   Loading rates. Hydraulic loading, BOD, suspended solids, nitrogen, phosphorus and crop selection shall all be considered in the process design of land applications systems. Typically loading rates of BOD and SS for municipal wastewater are far below the loading rates determined by other parameters and will not be a concern in system design.
    (c)   Land area. The total area required for a slow rate land application system includes the field area (application site), treatment and storage site (normally primary treatment lagoons and storage ponds), buffer zones and service roads.
    (d)   Control. The applicant shall show they have the right to control the use of the land application site. A long-term contract for a minimum of 20 years is required.
    (e)   Buffer zone. A buffer zone of at least 100 feet in width shall be provided between the land application site and adjacent property. Additional distance may be required where prevailing winds could cause aerosols to drift into residential areas. The buffer zone shall be a part of the permitted site. [See 252:656-27-2(b) (relating to separation distance requirements).]
    (f)   Public contact. Wastewater shall be disinfected in accordance with 252:656-21 if it is to be applied to public contact areas.
    (g)   Storage. Storage of wastewater is required for periods when available wastewater exceeds design hydraulic loading rate, and when the ground is saturated or frozen. A water balance computation is used to estimate the storage requirement. Provide water balance computations of the estimated storage needs. There shall be at least 90 days of storage in addition to the detention time required for primary treatment. The monthly available wastewater for each month shall be determined by equation (25-5) in Appendix D.
    (h)   Flow measurement. Provide for the measurement of wastewater to be land-applied. Flow measurement shall be accomplished by flow meters, or the calibration of pumps and installation of run-time meters.
    (i)   Restrictions. There shall not be any berms or other barriers on a land application site that would cause the pooling or ponding of wastewater at the land application site. Additionally, there shall not be any berms or barriers that impede the natural flow of stormwater from the site. No land application site shall exceed the maximum slope requirements at OAC 252:627-3.
    (j)   Signs. Suppliers are responsible for ensuring that the required signs, which describe the nature of the facility and advise against trespassing, are posted on signs every 200 feet around the perimeter of the permitted land application site.
    (k)   Fencing. All Category 5 reclaimed water land application sites shall be fenced to prevent unauthorized entry.
[Source: Added at 17 Ok Reg 1140, eff 6-1-00; Amended at 18 Ok Reg 2019, eff 6-11-01; Amended at 23 Ok Reg 937, eff 6-15-06; Amended at 28 Ok Reg 1282, eff 7-1-11; Amended at 29 Ok Reg 1061, eff 7-1-12; Amended at 31 Ok Reg 1315, eff 9-12-14]