Oklahoma Administrative Code (Last Updated: March 11, 2021) |
TITLE 252. Department of Environmental Quality |
Chapter 690. Water Quality Standards Implementation |
Subchapter 1. Introduction |
SECTION 252:690-1-3. Technical Acronyms
Latest version.
- "ΔTmax" means the maximum temperature increase in °C at the edge of the temperature mixing zone."7Q2" means the 7 day low flow of a stream likely to occur with a 50% probability each year. The procedure for determining a site-specific 7Q2 is described at OAC 785:46."7T2" means the 7 day maximum temperature likely to occur with a 50% probability each year. The procedure for determining a site-specific 7T2 is described at OAC 785:46."ACD" means acute critical dilution."BOD5" means 5-day biochemical oxygen demand."BT/C ratio" means the ratio of trigger background concentration to associated water quality criterion."(BT/C)max" means the maximum BT/C ratio for a given criterion for which background monitoring is required as a permit condition."C95" means the 95th percentile maximum likelihood effluent concentration of a substance. It is the product of CE(mean) and RPF95."C95(M)" means the 95th percentile maximum likelihood effluent concentration of a substance, accounting for the size of the effluent data set. It is the product of CE(max) and RPF95(M)."CA" means the acute numerical criterion for toxic substances."CB" means background concentration."CC" means the chronic numerical criterion for toxic substances."Cd" means the instream concentration of a substance resulting from a wastewater discharge."C d(A)" means the instream concentration of a substance as determined by the acute mixing equation."Cd(c)" means the maximum instream concentration of a substance at the edge of the chronic mixing zone."Cd(FF)" means the instream concentration of a substance after complete mixing, as applied to determination of reasonable potential to exceed a human health criterion for the consumption of fish flesh."Cd(FFW)" means the instream concentration of a substance after complete mixing, as applied to determination of reasonable potential to exceed a human health criterion for the consumption of fish flesh and water."Cd(NRWQC)" means the instream concentration of a substance after complete mixing, as applied to determination of reasonable potential to exceed an EPA human health criterion for the consumption of fish flesh."Cd(RAW)" means the instream concentration of a substance after complete mixing, as applied to determination of reasonable potential to exceed a raw water column criterion."Cd(SS)" means the instream concentration of a substance after complete mixing, as applied to determination of reasonable potential to exceed an agriculture sample standard (SS)."Cd(YMS)" means the instream concentration of a substance after complete mixing, as applied to determination of reasonable potential to exceed an agriculture yearly mean standard (YMS)."CE(max)" means the maximum concentration of a substance in an effluent data set."CE(mean)" means mean effluent concentration."CFF" means the numerical criterion for the protection of human health for the consumption of fish flesh."CFFW" means the numerical criterion for the protection of human health for the consumption of fish flesh and water."CNRWQC" means the EPA recommended national water quality criterion for the protection of human health for the consumption of fish flesh."CRAW" means the numerical criterion for protection of the raw water column."CSS" means agriculture sample standard numerical criterion, i.e., the historic segment averaged SS value from Appendix F of OAC 785:45, unless data more representative of the receiving stream are available."CYMS" means agriculture yearly mean standard numerical criterion, i.e., the historic segment averaged YMS value from Appendix F of OAC 785:45, unless data more representative of the receiving stream are available."CBOD5" means 5-day carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand."CCD" means chronic critical dilution."CPP" means the Continuing Planning Process document required under Section 303(e) of the Clean Water Act."CWAC" means cool water aquatic community."D" means, in the context of a discharge to a lake through a pipe, the pipe diameter in feet."DML" means daily maximum permit limitation."DMLA" means the toxic substance acute criterion DML."DMLC" means the toxic substance chronic criterion DML."DMLCL" means agriculture criterion-based DML for chlorides."DMLFF" means the human health/fish flesh DML."DMLFFW" means the human health/fish flesh and water DML."DMLHH" means human health-based DML."DMLRAW" means the raw water column DML."DMLSO4" means agriculture criterion-based DML for sulfates."DMLT" means the temperature based DML."DMLTDS" means agriculture criterion-based DML for total dissolved solids (dried at 180°C)."DMLTOX" means toxic substance-based DML."DMR" means Discharge Monitoring Report."DO" means dissolved oxygen."gpd" means gallons per day."HLAC" means habitat-limited aquatic community."ICIS" means integrated compliance information system."LTA" means long term average."LTAA" means the toxic substance acute numerical criterion LTA."LTAC" means the toxic substance chronic numerical criterion LTA."LTAFF" means the fish flesh human health criterion LTA."LTAFFW" means the fish flesh and water human health criterion LTA."LTARAW" means the raw water column criterion LTA."LTASS" means the agriculture sample standard LTA."LTAT" means the temperature criterion LTA."LTATOX" means the limiting toxic substance-based LTA, i.e., the smallest of LTAA or LTAC, as applicable."LTAYMS" means the agriculture yearly mean standard LTA."MAL" means monthly average permit limitation."MALA" means the toxic substance acute criterion MAL."MALC" means the toxic substance chronic criterion MAL."MALCL" means agriculture criterion-based MAL for chlorides."MALFF" means the human health/fish flesh MAL."MALFFW" means the human health/fish flesh and water MAL."MALRAW" means the raw water column MAL."MCL" means maximum contaminant level (when used in the context of primary drinking water standards)."MALHH" means human health-based MAL."MALSO4" means agriculture criterion-based MAL for sulfates."MALT" means temperature MAL."MALTDS" means agriculture criterion-based MAL for total dissolved solids (dried at 180°C)."MALTOX" means toxic substance-based MAL."mgd" means million gallons per day."mg/l" means milligrams per liter."MQL" means minimum quantifiable level."N" means the number of individual data points, collected over time, in an effluent or background data set."Nm" means the per month monitoring frequency where a permit limitation is established. When used in the context of temperature limitations, Nm is equal to four times Nw (i.e., Nm = 4 × Nw)."Nw" means the per week monitoring frequency where a temperature permit limitation is established."NRWQC" means the National Recommended Water Quality Criteria, publication no. EPA 822-Z-99-001, April 1999."PBCR" means Primary Body Contact Recreation."PCS" means Permit Compliance System, an EPA database that tracks NPDES permit compliance."Q*" means the ratio of the regulatory effluent flow to the regulatory receiving water flow."Qe" means regulatory effluent flow."Qe(30)" means the Qe that is the highest monthly average flow over the two year period of record for an industrial facility."Qe(D)" means the Qe that is the lesser of the design flow for a municipal POTW or the design flow listed in the Section 208 Areawide Basin Plan."Qe(LTA)" means the Qe that is the arithmetic (long term) average flow over the two year period of record for an industrial facility."Qu" means regulatory receiving water flow upstream of a point of wastewater discharge."Qu(7Q2)" means the same as 7Q2."Qu(LTA)" means the Qu that is the mean annual (long term) receiving water flow."Qu(STA)" means the Qu that is the short term average receiving water flow and is equal to Qu(LTA) × 0.68."SBCR" means Secondary Body Contact Recreation"SNC" means significant noncompliance."SS" means sample standard."s.u." means standard units for the measurement of pH."T95" means 95th percentile effluent temperature in °C."Ta" means regulatory ambient temperature in °C."TBLL" means technically based local limits"TDS" means total dissolved solids."TIE" means toxicity identification evaluation."TMDL" means total maximum daily load."TRC" means total residual chlorine."TRE" means toxicity reduction evaluation."TRO" means total residual (halogenated) oxidants."µg/l" means micrograms per liter."W" means, in the context of a discharge to a lake through an open channel (i.e., canal), the channel width in feet."WAL" means weekly average permit limitation."WALT" means temperature WAL."WET" means whole effluent toxicity."WLA" means waste load allocation."WLAA" means a toxic substance acute criterion WLA."WLAC" means a toxic substance chronic criterion WLA."WLAFF" means a human health/fish flesh criterion WLA."WLAFFW" means a human health/fish flesh and water criterion WLA."WLARAW" means a raw water column criterion WLA."WLASS" means an agriculture sample standard WLA."WLAT" means a temperature criterion WLA."WLAYMS" means an agriculture yearly mean standard WLA."WQMP" means the statewide Section 208 Water Quality Management Plan."WWAC" means warm water aquatic community."YMS" means yearly mean standard.