SECTION 260:25-1-1. Purpose  

Latest version.
  • (a)   Application to the classified service. The Merit System of Personnel Administration Rules, which are also known as the Merit Rules for Employment and the Merit Rules, are the administrative rules which govern classified employment with the State of Oklahoma. They outline many of the rights and responsibilities of applicants, employees, supervisors, administrators and others who are subject to the Oklahoma Merit System of Personnel Administration.
    (b)   Application to the unclassified service. A number of rules also apply to officers, employees, positions and agencies which are not subject to the Merit System of Personnel Administration, that is, the exempt unclassified or non-merit service. Such rules often contain references as to their applicability.
    (c)   Rulemaking entities. The Director of the Office of Management and Enterprise Services has promulgated the Merit System of Personnel Administration Rules which are included in this Chapter. The Merit Protection Commission has promulgated the Merit System of Personnel Administration Rules which are in OAC 455:10.
    (d)   Statutory authority for the Merit Rules. The authority for the Merit System of Personnel Administration Rules is found in the Oklahoma Statutes which are Oklahoma laws. The primary basis for the Merit Rules is the Oklahoma Personnel Act, which is found in Sections 840-1.1 et seq. of Title 74 of the Oklahoma Statutes.
    (e)   Changes in the rules and interpretation of rules. Rules may be changed on an emergency or permanent basis as situations and needs demand. New federal or state laws may replace or affect the interpretation of the Merit Rules.
    (f)   Effect of other laws on Merit Rules. Some laws govern a specific personnel practice that applies only to a certain agency or in a certain situation. The provisions of all of these specialized laws are not referenced in the Merit Rules. There may be cases where such a law will replace a rule or part of a rule in a certain agency or situation.
    (g)   Legal cites. Some of the Merit Rules in this Chapter restate or exactly repeat language from laws. Italic type means the language exactly repeats language from a law or other legal instrument. The specific reference appears in brackets following the language in Italics. Language from laws or other legal instruments which is restated in other words is also followed by a reference in brackets, but it is not printed in Italics.
[Source: Added at 31 Ok Reg 1346, eff 9-12-14]