SECTION 340:105-10-12. State Council on Aging  

Latest version.
  • (a)   Policy. The State of Oklahoma has a State Council on Aging meeting the requirements for the Older Americans Act (OAA), and Aging Services (AS) need for statewide representation from older Oklahomans and service providers.
    (b)   Authority. The authority for this Section is Section 305 of the OAA of 1965, as amended and the Oklahoma State Council on Aging Bylaws.
    (c)   Procedures. The State Council on Aging is composed of 30 members, at least 18 of whom are 60 years of age or older, residents of the state, and have demonstrated an interest in, knowledge of, and exhibited achievements with respect to the concerns of older persons.
    (1)   Members of the State Council on Aging include:
    (A)   one member appointed by the Governor;
    (B)   one member appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the State Senate;
    (C)   one member appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives; and
    (D)   27 members appointed by the Director of Human Services (Director) and include:
    (i)   five members who are 60 years of age or older and are participating consumers or volunteers working regularly in aging programs chosen from Area Agency on Aging (AAA) advisory council nominees. Each AAA advisory council submits one nominee for consideration from their respective planning and service areas. The consumer or volunteer nominee members chosen include residents of rural counties and represent citizens from varied economic levels whose duration and frequency of work, past and present, is considered.
    (ii)   one nominee member is submitted by entities (I) through (XIII):
    (I)   Oklahoma Association of Area Agencies on Aging;
    (II)   Oklahoma State Department of Health;
    (III)   Oklahoma State Department of Mental Health, gerontological representative;
    (IV)   Oklahoma Senior Corps Directors Association;
    (V)   Oklahoma State Nutrition Directors Association;
    (VI)   Oklahoma Indian Council on Aging;
    (VII)   Oklahoma AARP;
    (VIII)   Oklahoma Federation of Chapters of the National Association of Retired Federal Employees;
    (IX)   Oklahoma Alliance on Aging;
    (X)   Oklahoma Retired Educators Association;
    (XI)   Silver Haired Legislature Alumni; and
    (XII)   Oklahoma Health Care Authority; and
    (iii)   10 at-large members nominated and appointed by the Director to ensure ethnic, geographical, and demographical balance.
    (2)   Duties of the State Council on Aging include:
    (A)   communicating the needs, conditions, and concerns of older Oklahomans with entities including the:
    (i)    Director and the AS director;
    (ii)   State of Oklahoma Governor's Office;
    (iii)   Oklahoma State Legislature;
    (iv)   United States Oklahoma Congressional Delegates;
    (v)   state agencies;
    (vi)   federal agencies; and
    (vii)   general public;
    (B)   reviewing and commenting on all policies, budget appropriations, planning regulations, and legislation that benefit or adversely impact older Oklahomans, and advocating for their concerns and issues while maintaining high visibility and a strong voice;
    (C)   monitoring and evaluating the provision of services to older Oklahomans;
    (D)   conducting public forums and seeking input on the needs, conditions, programs, or issues involving older Oklahomans; and
    (E)   advising the AS director on all matters pertaining to:
    (i)   development and implementation of policies, budget appropriations, planning, regulations, and standards;
    (ii)   effective and efficient administration of division programs;
    (iii)   development of training and educational programs; and
    (iv)   administration of AS functions.
[Source: Added at 11 Ok Reg 673, eff 11-29-93 (emergency); Added at 11 Ok Reg 2771, eff 6-13-94; Amended at 19 Ok Reg 1170, eff 5-13-02; Amended at 23 Ok Reg 1062, eff 7-15-06; Amended at 25 Ok Reg 1754, eff 6-1-08 (emergency); Amended at 26 Ok Reg 2221, eff 7-1-09; Amended at 28 Ok Reg 898, eff 6-1-11; Amended at 32 Ok Reg 1927, eff 9-15-15]