SECTION 35:15-11-55. Release and removal options for Exposed Equidae  

Latest version.
  • (a)   On high risk premises where Positive Equidae remain,equids Exposed Equidae may be released from quarantine and removed from the premises under the following conditions:
    (1)   NVSL tests the Exposed Equidae and determines they are negative.
    (2)   The Negative Equidae are treated for ticks using an approved acaricide.
    (3)   Exposed Equidae are confined to a negative equine facility (e.g., pen, paddock, stall):
    (A)   The negative facility shall contain no vegetation and shall have been treated with an approved acaricide;
    (B)   The facility is surrounded by two fences a minimum of thirty (30) feet apart with a zone free of vegetation between the fences or barriers;
    (C)   The thirty (30) foot zone around the facility is kept free of vegetation and treated with an acaricide approved for treating facilities to eliminate ticks. Treatments shall be repeated as often as necessary according to label instructions to maintain a zone with no ticks. If thirty (30) feet of separation is not possible, the State Veterinarian shall evaluate the facilities on a case-by-case basis to determine whether sufficient space and barriers are available for isolating the Negative Equidae; and
    (D)   No equipment, tack, hay, feed, bedding, manure, clothing, or other items have been brought into the negative facility from any Positive Equidae premises.
    (4)   After the animals are confined, they are retreated with an acaricide at fourteen (14) to eighteen (18) day intervals.
    (5)   The Negative Equidae are inspected for ticks ("scratched") and retested by the NVSL not less than thirty (30) days following entry into the negative equine facility. Exposed Equidae that are negative on the retest and free of ticks may be released from the quarantine if treated with an approved acaricide and removed from the premises while still wet with the acaricide.
    (6)   Dogs, other domestic animals, or livestock that have access to a negative equine facility shall be treated to prevent tick transmission to the facility.
    (b)   After all Positive Equidae have been removed from high risk premises, the remaining Equidae may be released from quarantine through the following process based on the presence of vegetation on the premises:
    (1)   Premises with no vegetation:
    (A)   After all Positive Equidae leave the premises, theNegative Equidae shall be treated for ticks using an approved acaricide.
    (B)   Treat the premises with an approved acaricide.
    (C)   Retest the negative Exposed Equidae at NVSL no less than thirty (30) days after removing the Positive Equidae.
    (D)   If the Equidae are negative on the retest, the quarantine may be released by the State Veterinarian.
    (2)   Premises with vegetation:
    (A)   After all Positive Equidae leave the premises, theNegative Equidae shall be treated for ticks using an approved acaricide.
    (B)   The vegetation shall be mowed to less than four (4) inches, residual grass clippings shall be removed, and the premises shall be treated with a registered acaricide effective against ticks and approved for grazing pastures. While spraying pastures, animals shall be kept in stalls, sheds, trailers, or other areas until the forage is safe for ingestion, per acaricide label directions.
    (C)   The Negative Exposed Equidae shall be retested by NVSL no less than thirty (30) days after removing Positive Equidae.
    (D)   If the Equidae are negative on the retest, the quarantine may be released by the State Veterinarian.
    (E)   If premises are too large to treat all vegetation, the Equidae may be kept on the premises under quarantine until they test negative at least twelve (12) months after removing the Positive Equidae. During that twelve (12) month period, the Equidae may attend functions off premises if they test negative within thirty (30) days prior to the function and are treated with an approved acaricide within seventy two (72) hours of movement. The Equidae shall be returned to the premises within ten (10) days of their departure.
    (F)   Dates of treatment shall be recorded on a treatment record maintained by the owner.
    (G)   The State Veterinarian shall review records regularly for the duration of the quarantine period.
    (c)   Exposed Equidae on low risk premises may be released from quarantine order under the following conditions:
    (1)   NVSL tests the Exposed Equidae and finds them negative for Equine Piroplasmosis.
    (2)   Negative Equidae on the premises or adjacent premises are separated from Positive Equidae by a minimum of ten (10) feet, with vegetation kept below four (4) inches tall in the intervening space.
    (3)   If ten (10) feet of separation is not possible due to facility size or other limiting factors, the State Veterinarian shall evaluate the facilities on a case-by-case basis to determine whether sufficient space is available to isolate Positive Equidae.
    (4)   At the time they are tested, all Equidae shall undergo an initial treatment for ticks with an approved acaricide.
    (5)   Negative Equidae shall be retreated fourteen (14) to eighteen (18) days following initial treatment, according to product label instructions, and kept free of ticks until retested.
    (6)   Negative Equidae shall be inspected for ticks (scratched) and retested negative by NVSL not less than thirty (30) days following the initial treatment and separation from Positive Equidae.
    (7)   If Exposed Equidae are removed from the premises within thirty (30) days of a verified negative status (i.e., the releasing test) and within fourteen (14) days of a treatment, no additional testing or treatment shall be required.
    (8)   If the State Veterinarian identifies possible pasture contamination after removal of a Positive Equidae, the following steps shall be taken for twelve (12) months after removal:
    (A)   Apply an acaricide treatment each time the Negative Equidae is moved from the premises;
    (B)   Within thirty (30) days prior to movement, retest theNegative Exposed Equidae, and confirm their negative status; and
    (C)   Conduct a final negative test at the end of the twelve (12) month period for all remaining Negative Exposed Equidae.
    (9)   If a Negative Exposed Equidae on a low risk premises subsequently tests positive for Equine Piroplasmosis, the classification of the premises shall be reevaluated by the State Veterinarian. Epidemiological evidence of disease transmission shall elevate the classification of the premises to high risk.
[Source: Added as 35:15-13-5 at 28 Ok Reg 2173, eff 7-25-11; Amended at 29 Ok Reg 896, eff 7-1-12]


EDITOR’S NOTE: Editorially renumbered from 35:15-13-5 to 35:15-11-55 to avoid duplication in numbering.