SECTION 35:15-17-44. Movement of reactors, exposed animals and suspects  

Latest version.
  • (a)   Reactors, "B" branded exposed animals and "S" branded animals shall be moved under permit or "S" brand permit. There shall be no diversion from the permitted destination. When moved, the animals shall be maintained separate and apart from all other classes of livestock in specially designed pens reserved for this purpose at livestock markets.
    (b)   Heifer calves born in affected herds or consigned with a market cattle investigation reactor shall meet one of the following to qualify for movement from the herd or sale premise.
    (1)   The heifer calves shall be "S" branded or spayed,
    (2)   The heifer calves shall be quarantined and held separate and apart from the affected adult herd after weaning until the entire quarantined group is negative on an official test occurring not less than thirty (30) days following the completion of their first calving, or
    (3)   If the heifer calves remain in or return to the affected adult herd, the entire herd shall not be released from quarantine until all the heifer calves have matured andcalved, then at not less than thirty (30) days after all the retained heifers have completed first calving, the entire herd shall test negative for brucellosis to qualify for quarantine release.
[Source: Amended at 14 Ok Reg 2425, eff 6-26-97; Amended at 27 Ok Reg 2420, eff 7-25-10]