SECTION 35:17-3-12. Documentation of no hydrologic connection  

Latest version.
  •   USDA NRCS design specifications in the USDA NRCS Agricultural Waste Management Field Handbook Chapter 10 (formerly Tech Note 716) shall satisfy documentation of no hydrologic connection so long as the facility is designed by USDA NRCS and does not exceed one thousand (1,000) swine animal units.
[Source: Added at 15 Ok Reg 102, eff 10-13-97 through 7-14-98 (emergency); Added at 15 Ok Reg 4247, eff 9-2-98 (emergency); Added at 16 Ok Reg 1717, eff 6-11-99; Amended at 25 Ok Reg 1795, eff 7-1-08]