SECTION 455:10-19-22. Internal agency grievance manager responsibility  

Latest version.
  •   Any employee designated to receive and process formal grievances by their appointing authority shall:
    (1)   within 6 months after designation to serve in this capacity, successfully complete the initial training programs required by the Commission;
    (2)   maintain proficiency by successfully completing continuing training programs required by the Commission;
    (3)   provide advice, assistance and technical direction to the appointing authority, supervisors and employees on the internal agency grievance resolution procedure;
    (4)   review formal grievances and accept or reject them;
    (5)   ensure that time limits which apply to the processing and resolution of formal grievances are met;
    (6)   facilitate the prompt, equitable and timely resolution of grievances at the lowest possible level; and
    (7)   ensure the formal grievance is reviewed and addressed by a person within the employing agency with authority to resolve the dispute.
[Source: Added at 12 Ok Reg 2823, eff 7-13-95]