Subchapter 7. ESEA Chapter 2 [revoked]  

SECTION 210:10-7-1. Chapter 2 competitive discretionary grants [revoked]


[Authority: ESEA Chapter 2, Augustus F. Hawkins-Robert T. Stafford Elementary and Secondary School Improvement Amendments of 1988, P.L. 100-297, §§ 1521, 1531(b)(1,2), 1532(a)(1-3), (b), 1541, and 1542; 34 CFR Parts 76, 77, and 298 for Federal, State, and Local Partnership for Educational Improvement; Federal Register, Vol. 55, No. 75, April 18, 1990, §§ 298.12(a)(1)(i)(ii)(iii), (3), 6(b)(c), 298.13, 298.14, 298.15, and 298.23]