Chapter 1. Administrative Operations  

Subchapter 1. Organization and Administration
SECTION 317:1-1-1. Purpose
SECTION 317:1-1-2. Authority
SECTION 317:1-1-3. Amending of rules
SECTION 317:1-1-4. Organization and meetings
SECTION 317:1-1-5. Subcommittees and committees
SECTION 317:1-1-6. Emergency cancellation of meetings
SECTION 317:1-1-7. Minutes of the Authority
SECTION 317:1-1-8. Administrator
SECTION 317:1-1-8.1. Deputy Administrators [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-1-9. Location for information and for filing
SECTION 317:1-1-9.1. Compliance with the Open Records Act
SECTION 317:1-1-10. Documents and records [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-1-11. Requests for declaratory ruling
SECTION 317:1-1-12. Requests for rulemaking
SECTION 317:1-1-13. Rulemaking
SECTION 317:1-1-14. Computation of time
SECTION 317:1-1-15. Legal references
SECTION 317:1-1-16. Severability
SECTION 317:1-1-17. Purchasing department
SECTION 317:1-1-18. Personnel department [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-1-19. Legal services
Subchapter 3. Formal and Informal Procedures
SECTION 317:1-3-1. Purpose
SECTION 317:1-3-2. Authority may take action
SECTION 317:1-3-3. Advisory committees
SECTION 317:1-3-3.1. Drug Utilization Review Board
SECTION 317:1-3-3.2. DUR responsibility for Health Plan proposals for modifying medication coverage [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-3-4. State Plan Amendment and Rate Committee
SECTION 317:1-3-5. General complaints [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-3-6. [Reserved]
SECTION 317:1-3-7. [Reserved]
SECTION 317:1-3-8. [Reserved]
SECTION 317:1-3-9. [Reserved]
SECTION 317:1-3-10. [Reserved]
SECTION 317:1-3-11. [Reserved]
SECTION 317:1-3-12. [Reserved]
SECTION 317:1-3-13. Hearings (individual proceedings) [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-3-14. Representation [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-3-15. Prehearing conference [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-3-16. Informal disposition [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-3-17. Certificate of mailing [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-3-18. Final order [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-3-19. Scheduling of hearings [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-3-20. Judicial review [revoked]
Subchapter 5. Compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-5-1. Purpose [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-5-2. General prohibitions against discrimination [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-5-3. Qualified individuals with disabilities [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-5-4. Self evaluation by departments for compliance [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-5-5. Preemployment medical examinations [revoked]
Subchapter 7. Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-7-1. Purpose [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-7-2. Definitions [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-7-3. The Oklahoma Health Care Authority and the Americans with Disabilities Act [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-7-4. Requirement for reasonable accommodation [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-7-5. Examples of reasonable accommodation [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-7-6. Requests for reasonable accommodation [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-7-6.1. Requests to make services accessible [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-7-7. Undue hardship/undue burden [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-7-8. Retaliation or coercion [revoked]
Subchapter 9. Civil Rights and Nondiscrimination [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-9-1. Purpose [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-9-2. Statement of compliance [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-9-3. Practices prohibited [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-9-4. Administration of programs [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-9-5. Dissemination of nondiscriminatory information [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-9-6. Assignation of responsibility [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-9-7. Dissemination of rules [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-9-8. Execution of compliance reviews [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-9-9. Complaints [revoked]
SECTION 317:1-9-10. Employment practices [revoked]


[Authority: 63 O.S., §§ 5003 through 5016; Federal Social Security Act, Title XIX; 67 O.S.,§§ 201 through 216; 74 O.S., §§ 564 through 576; 75 O.S., §§ 250.2 through 257, and 301 through 308.2; Oklahoma Personnel Act; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; 45 CFR 80 and 84; Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Part 90; 45 CFT 84, Subpart B]
[Source: Codified 7-27-95]