Chapter 1. Rules of Administrative Procedure  

Subchapter 1. General Provisions
SECTION 330:1-1-1. Purpose
SECTION 330:1-1-2. General organization
SECTION 330:1-1-3. Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency files
SECTION 330:1-1-4. Meetings
SECTION 330:1-1-5. Special meetings
SECTION 330:1-1-6. Notices and requests for information
SECTION 330:1-1-7. Informal statements
SECTION 330:1-1-1. Purpose
SECTION 330:1-1-2. General organization
SECTION 330:1-1-3. Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency files
SECTION 330:1-1-4. Meetings
SECTION 330:1-1-5. Special meetings
SECTION 330:1-1-6. Notices and requests for information
SECTION 330:1-1-7. Informal statements
Subchapter 3. Rule Making Procedures
SECTION 330:1-3-1. How initiated
SECTION 330:1-3-2. Notice
SECTION 330:1-3-3. Opportunity to be heard
SECTION 330:1-3-4. Adoption of rules
SECTION 330:1-3-5. Filing and publication
SECTION 330:1-3-6. Effective date
SECTION 330:1-3-7. Petitions respecting rulemaking
SECTION 330:1-3-8. Declaratory ruling
SECTION 330:1-3-1. How initiated
SECTION 330:1-3-2. Notice
SECTION 330:1-3-3. Opportunity to be heard
SECTION 330:1-3-4. Adoption of rules
SECTION 330:1-3-5. Filing and publication
SECTION 330:1-3-6. Effective date
SECTION 330:1-3-7. Petitions respecting rulemaking
SECTION 330:1-3-8. Declaratory ruling
Subchapter 5. Hearing Practices and Procedures
SECTION 330:1-5-1. Setting hearings
SECTION 330:1-5-2. Time of hearing
SECTION 330:1-5-3. Notice of hearing
SECTION 330:1-5-4. Contents of notice
SECTION 330:1-5-5. Hearing to be open
SECTION 330:1-5-6. Right to counsel
SECTION 330:1-5-7. Rules of evidence
SECTION 330:1-5-8. Transcript of hearing
SECTION 330:1-5-9. Contents of record
SECTION 330:1-5-10. Findings of fact
SECTION 330:1-5-11. Rehearings
SECTION 330:1-5-12. What shall be considered upon rehearing
SECTION 330:1-5-13. Appeals from order of the Trustees
SECTION 330:1-5-14. Disqualification of Trustees
SECTION 330:1-5-1. Setting hearings
SECTION 330:1-5-2. Time of hearing
SECTION 330:1-5-3. Notice of hearing
SECTION 330:1-5-4. Contents of notice
SECTION 330:1-5-5. Hearing to be open
SECTION 330:1-5-6. Right to counsel
SECTION 330:1-5-7. Rules of evidence
SECTION 330:1-5-8. Transcript of hearing
SECTION 330:1-5-9. Contents of record
SECTION 330:1-5-10. Findings of fact
SECTION 330:1-5-11. Rehearings
SECTION 330:1-5-12. What shall be considered upon rehearing
SECTION 330:1-5-13. Appeals from order of the Trustees
SECTION 330:1-5-14. Disqualification of Trustees
Subchapter 7. Federal Standards
SECTION 330:1-7-1. Federal standards
SECTION 330:1-7-1. Federal standards


[Authority: 75 O. S., § 302; The Amended Trust Indenture and Bylaws of the Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency]
[Source: Codified 12-30-91]