Chapter 60. Refugee Resettlement Program  

SECTION 340:60-1-1. Purpose
SECTION 340:60-1-2. Legal base and availability of funds
SECTION 340:60-1-3. Refugee Resettlement Program (RRP)
SECTION 340:60-1-4. Exclusions [revoked]
SECTION 340:60-1-5. Sponsorship
SECTION 340:60-1-6. Program eligibility and procedures
SECTION 340:60-1-7. Procedures [revoked]


[Authority: Refugee Act of 1980 (P.L. 96-212); Immigration and Nationality Act; P.L. 109-163; P.L. 110-161; P.L. 110-181; P.L. 111-08; 45 CFR 400.25, 400.50 through 400.51, 400.53, 400.55 through 400.56, 400.59 through 400.60, 400.70 through 400.72, 400.75 through 400.77, 400.79, 400.81 through 400.83, 400.93 through 400.94, and 400.100 through 400.104; OKLA. CONST. art XXV; Director of Human Services; 56 O.S., § 162]
[Source: Codified 12-31-91]