Chapter 30. Coal Combution By-Product Placement Rules and Regulations

Subchapter 1. General Requirements
SECTION 460:30-1-1. Scope
SECTION 460:30-1-2. Responsibility
SECTION 460:30-1-3. Definitions
SECTION 460:30-1-4. Applicability
Subchapter 3. CCB Placement Applications
SECTION 460:30-3-1. Insurance
SECTION 460:30-3-2. Environmental resources information; Cultural
SECTION 460:30-3-3. Environmental resources information: Hydrologic
SECTION 460:30-3-4. Environmental resources information: Geologic
SECTION 460:30-3-5. Environmental resources information: Soils
SECTION 460:30-3-6. CCB placement: General
SECTION 460:30-3-7. CCB placement: Analysis
SECTION 460:30-3-8. CCB placement: Hydrologic balance protection
SECTION 460:30-3-9. Mining permit maps: General
SECTION 460:30-3-10. Mining permit maps and cross sections: Environmental resources
SECTION 460:30-3-11. Mining permit maps: Operations and reclamation plan
Subchapter 4. Bond Requirements for Ccb Operations
SECTION 460:30-4-1. Scope and purpose
SECTION 460:30-4-2. Department responsibilities
SECTION 460:30-4-3. Definitions
SECTION 460:30-4-4. Requirement to file a bond
SECTION 460:30-4-5. Form of the performance bond
SECTION 460:30-4-6. Period of liability
SECTION 460:30-4-7. Determination of bond amount
SECTION 460:30-4-8. Adjustment of amount
SECTION 460:30-4-9. General terms and conditions of bond
SECTION 460:30-4-11. Surety bonds
SECTION 460:30-4-12. Collateral bonds
SECTION 460:30-4-13. Self-bonding
SECTION 460:30-4-14. Replacement of bonds
SECTION 460:30-4-15. Requirement to release performance bonds
SECTION 460:30-4-16. Forfeiture of bonds
Subchapter 5. Performance Standards
SECTION 460:30-5-1. Scope
SECTION 460:30-5-2. Objectives
SECTION 460:30-5-3. Signs and markers
SECTION 460:30-5-4. Management of drilled holes
SECTION 460:30-5-5. Topsoil and subsoil
SECTION 460:30-5-6. Hydrologic balance protection: General
SECTION 460:30-5-7. Flood-prone areas
SECTION 460:30-5-8. Hydrologic balance: Effluent limitations
SECTION 460:30-5-9. Hydrologic balance: Sediment control measures
SECTION 460:30-5-10. Hydrologic balance: Diversions
SECTION 460:30-5-11. Hydrologic balance: Monitoring
SECTION 460:30-5-12. Hydrologic balance: Wetlands
SECTION 460:30-5-13. Hydrologic balance: Impoundments
SECTION 460:30-5-14. CCB placement: General requirements
SECTION 460:30-5-15. CCB placement: Fugitive dust control
SECTION 460:30-5-16. CCB placement: Intermediate cover
SECTION 460:30-5-17. Hazardous and solid wastes
SECTION 460:30-5-18. Reclamation: General requirements
SECTION 460:30-5-19. Reclamation: Final cover
SECTION 460:30-5-20. Reclamation: Slope stability
SECTION 460:30-5-21. Reclamation: Revegetation
SECTION 460:30-5-22. Cessation of operations: Temporary
SECTION 460:30-5-23. Roads
SECTION 460:30-5-24. Utility installations
SECTION 460:30-5-25. CCB Placement Reporting
Subchapter 6. State Inspections
SECTION 460:30-6-1. Scope
SECTION 460:30-6-2. State inspections and monitoring
SECTION 460:30-6-3. Citizens' request for State inspections
SECTION 460:30-6-4. Right of entry
SECTION 460:30-6-5. Review of adequacy and completeness of inspections
SECTION 460:30-6-6. Review of decision not to inspect or enforce
SECTION 460:30-6-7. Availability of records
Subchapter 7. State Enforcement
SECTION 460:30-7-1. Scope
SECTION 460:30-7-2. Definitions
SECTION 460:30-7-3. Cessation orders
SECTION 460:30-7-4. Notices of violations
SECTION 460:30-7-5. Suspension or revocation of permits
SECTION 460:30-7-6. Service of notices of violation, cessation orders, and show-cause orders
SECTION 460:30-7-8. Formal review of citations
SECTION 460:30-7-9. Inability to comply
SECTION 460:30-7-10. Injunction relief
SECTION 460:30-7-11. Compliance conference
Subchapter 8. Penalties
SECTION 460:30-8-1. Scope
SECTION 460:30-8-2. Objective
SECTION 460:30-8-3. Assessments determinations
SECTION 460:30-8-4. Penalty assessments
SECTION 460:30-8-5. Point system for assessments
SECTION 460:30-8-6. Determination of amount of penalty
SECTION 460:30-8-7. Assessment of separate violations for each day
SECTION 460:30-8-8. Waiver of use of formula to determine assessment amount
SECTION 460:30-8-9. Procedures for the assessment of penalties
SECTION 460:30-8-10. Procedures for assessment conference
SECTION 460:30-8-11. Request for hearing
SECTION 460:30-8-12. Final assessment and payment of penalty
SECTION 460:30-8-13. Use of collected penalties for reclamation


[Authority: 45 O.S.§§ 1.5 et. seq., § 732, and § 940; 75 O.S. §§ 302 et. seq.]
[Source: Codified 8-26-03]