Chapter 10. Licensing and Supervision of Commercial Pet Breeders [terminated]  

Subchapter 1. General Provisions [terminated]
SECTION 532:10-1-1. Definitions [terminated]
Subchapter 3. Licensing [terminated]
SECTION 532:10-3-1. Licensing requirements and due dates [terminated]
SECTION 532:10-3-2. Requirements for licensing commercial pet breeders [terminated]
SECTION 532:10-3-3. Contents of applications [terminated]
SECTION 532:10-3-4. Consideration of applications [terminated]
SECTION 532:10-3-5. Grounds for denial, suspension, or revocation of a license [terminated]
SECTION 532:10-3-6. Inspections and consideration of inspection report [terminated]
SECTION 532:10-3-7. Temporary licenses [terminated]
SECTION 532:10-3-8. License certificate [terminated]
SECTION 532:10-3-9. Transferability of license [terminated]
SECTION 532:10-3-10. Changes of information [terminated]
SECTION 532:10-3-11. Fees [terminated]
SECTION 532:10-3-12. [Reserved]
SECTION 532:10-3-13. Reapplication or reinstatement after license denial or revocation [terminated]
SECTION 532:10-3-14. Annual report [terminated]
Subchapter 5. Violations, Complaints, Investigations, and Enforcement [terminated]
SECTION 532:10-5-1. Complaints [terminated]
SECTION 532:10-5-2. Investigations and citations [terminated]
SECTION 532:10-5-3. Hearing on emergency Board action [terminated]
SECTION 532:10-5-4. Citations [terminated]
SECTION 532:10-5-5. Stipulation, agreed settlement, consent order, or default [terminated]
SECTION 532:10-5-6. Legal counsel [terminated]
SECTION 532:10-5-7. Hearing officer and ban on ex parte communications [terminated]
SECTION 532:10-5-8. Hearings [terminated]
SECTION 532:10-5-9. Appeal of hearing officer's order [terminated]
SECTION 532:10-5-10. Appeal of the Board's order [terminated]
SECTION 532:10-5-11. Penalties available to the Board [terminated]
SECTION 532:10-5-12. Delegation by the Executive Director [terminated]
SECTION 532:10-5-13. Investigators and inspectors qualifications and training [terminated]


[Authority: 59 O.S., §§ 5001 et seq.]
[Source: Codified 7-25-11]