Chapter 15. Commercial Pet Breeder Operations Guidelines [terminated]  

Subchapter 1. General Provisions [terminated]
SECTION 532:15-1-1. Minimum standards of care generally [terminated]
SECTION 532:15-1-2. Definitions [terminated]
Subchapter 3. Minimum Housing and Care Standards [terminated]
SECTION 532:15-3-1. Food and water requirements; storage of food [terminated]
SECTION 532:15-3-2. Housing facilities [terminated]
SECTION 532:15-3-3. Primary enclosures [terminated]
SECTION 532:15-3-4. Waste removal and sanitization [terminated]
SECTION 532:15-3-5. Veterinary care [terminated]
SECTION 532:15-3-6. Grooming [terminated]
SECTION 532:15-3-7. Exercise requirements [terminated]
SECTION 532:15-3-8. Quarantine [terminated]
SECTION 532:15-3-9. Adequate rest between breeding cycles [terminated]
SECTION 532:15-3-10. Other facility and employee requirements [terminated]
SECTION 532:15-3-11. Pet identification number, microchip requirement [terminated]
SECTION 532:15-3-12. Euthanasia procedures [terminated]
Subchapter 5. Minimum Transportation and Sales Standards [terminated]
SECTION 532:15-5-1. General transportation requirements [terminated]
SECTION 532:15-5-2. General travel requirements [terminated]
SECTION 532:15-5-3. Consignments to carriers [terminated]
SECTION 532:15-5-4. Primary enclosures used to transport live pets
SECTION 532:15-5-5. Food and water during transportation [terminated]
Subchapter 7. Recordkeeping and Sales Requirements [terminated]
SECTION 532:15-7-1. Records [terminated]
SECTION 532:15-7-2. Pet health history provided to purchaser; sale of unhealthy pets [terminated]
SECTION 532:15-7-3. Sales invoice or statement [terminated]
SECTION 532:15-7-4. Location of sales [terminated]
SECTION 532:15-7-5. Prohibition on the purchase, sale, or transportation of stolen pets [terminated]
SECTION 532:15-7-6. Other requirements or acts prohibited [terminated]


[Authority: 59 O.S.,§§ 5001et seq.]
[Source: Codified 7-25-11]