Chapter 1. Board and Administration  

Subchapter 1. Members
SECTION 545:1-1-1. Purpose
SECTION 545:1-1-2. Definitions
SECTION 545:1-1-3. Number of members
SECTION 545:1-1-4. Membership and appointment [revoked]
SECTION 545:1-1-5. Tenure [revoked]
SECTION 545:1-1-6. Qualifications for appointment to Board [revoked]
SECTION 545:1-1-7. Oath of office [revoked]
SECTION 545:1-1-8. Meetings
SECTION 545:1-1-9. Election of officers
SECTION 545:1-1-10. Duties of Board members
SECTION 545:1-1-11. Term of office [revoked]
SECTION 545:1-1-12. Quorum [revoked]
SECTION 545:1-1-13. Forms
SECTION 545:1-1-14. Requests for information
SECTION 545:1-1-15. Petitions for rule-making
SECTION 545:1-1-16. Petitions for declaratory rulings
Subchapter 3. Employees/Supplies
SECTION 545:1-3-1. Employees of the Board [revoked]
SECTION 545:1-3-2. Prosecutions [revoked]
SECTION 545:1-3-3. Discharge of employees [revoked]
SECTION 545:1-3-4. Materials and supplies [revoked]
SECTION 545:1-3-5. Compensation [revoked]
SECTION 545:1-3-6. Bonds [revoked]
SECTION 545:1-3-7. Seals
Subchapter 5. Powers and Duties of the Board
SECTION 545:1-5-1. Regulation of the practice of podiatry
SECTION 545:1-5-2. Promulgate rules and regulations [revoked]
SECTION 545:1-5-3. License and examination fees [revoked]
SECTION 545:1-5-4. Receipt and deposit of fees [revoked]
SECTION 545:1-5-5. Funds [revoked]
SECTION 545:1-5-6. Issue, revoke, deny, and suspend license [revoked]
SECTION 545:1-5-7. Examination of applicants [revoked]
SECTION 545:1-5-8. Investigations and hearings [revoked]
SECTION 545:1-5-9. Rules of professional conduct
SECTION 545:1-5-10. Minimum standards of training [revoked]
SECTION 545:1-5-11. Educational requirements for licensure [revoked]
SECTION 545:1-5-12. Records [revoked]
SECTION 545:1-5-13. Annual report
SECTION 545:1-5-14. Other duties [revoked]


[Authority: 59 O.S., § 141; 75 O.S., §§ 302, 305, and 307]
[Source: Codified 6-27-91]