Chapter 45. Boating and Water Safety  

Subchapter 1. General Provisions
SECTION 595:45-1-1. Purpose
SECTION 595:45-1-2. Definitions
SECTION 595:45-1-3. Adoption of 46 USC §4301 et seq. (formerly known as the Federal Boat Safety Act of 1971)
SECTION 595:45-1-4. Application
SECTION 595:45-1-5. Procedures followed for termination of use of unsafe vessels
SECTION 595:45-1-6. Flashing red lights
SECTION 595:45-1-7. Whistles, horns and bells [revoked]
SECTION 595:45-1-8. Unnecessary sounding of whistle, horn or bell [revoked]
SECTION 595:45-1-9. Signals [revoked]
SECTION 595:45-1-10. Rules of the waterways for vessels
SECTION 595:45-1-11. Traffic lanes
SECTION 595:45-1-12. Personal watercraft [revoked]
SECTION 595:45-1-13. Equipment
SECTION 595:45-1-14. Operation [revoked]
SECTION 595:45-1-15. Regattas, motorboat and other boat races, marine parades, tournaments or exhibitions [revoked]
SECTION 595:45-1-16. Operating any lifting and suspending device - parasail, parachute or any similar device
SECTION 595:45-1-17. Operating water skis, surfboard, surfsail or similar device [revoked]
SECTION 595:45-1-18. Hull identification number for homemade vessels and identification numbers for motors
Subchapter 3. Boating Safety Education
SECTION 595:45-3-1. Purpose
SECTION 595:45-3-2. Scope and application
SECTION 595:45-3-3. Definitions
SECTION 595:45-3-4. Course of study and instruction (curriculum)
SECTION 595:45-3-5. Equivalency examination
SECTION 595:45-3-6. Minimum Standards for Boating Safety Education Competency
SECTION 595:45-3-7. Boater Education Card
SECTION 595:45-3-8. Prescribed forms
SECTION 595:45-3-9. Termination, cancellation, or denial of certification or acceptance
SECTION 595:45-3-10. Hearings


Editor's Note: Prior to 8-15-07, this Chapter did not include Subchapters. However, on 8-15-07, the agency added more Sections to the Chapter, and organized the expanded Chapter into Subchapters.

[Authority: 63 O.S., §§ 4009(E), 4009.1(A), 4202, and 4232]
[Source: Codified 12-31-91]