Oklahoma Administrative Code (Last Updated: March 11, 2021) |
TITLE 712. Oklahoma Commission for Teacher Preparation |
Chapter 1. Administrative Operations |
SECTION 712:1-1-1. Purpose |
SECTION 712:1-1-2. Definitions |
SECTION 712:1-1-3. Commission members, officers and personnel |
SECTION 712:1-1-4. Official office |
SECTION 712:1-1-5. Commission meeting; quorum |
SECTION 712:1-1-6. Executive sessions |
SECTION 712:1-1-6.1. Special meetings |
SECTION 712:1-1-7. Notice of meetings |
SECTION 712:1-1-8. Agenda items |
SECTION 712:1-1-9. Powers and duties of the Commission |
SECTION 712:1-1-10. Legal counsel |
SECTION 712:1-1-11. Powers and duties of the Executive Director |
SECTION 712:1-1-12. Functions of the Administrative Committee of the Oklahoma Commission for Teacher Preparation |
SECTION 712:1-1-12.1. Employment of Commission personnel |
SECTION 712:1-1-13. Availability of records and manner of obtaining information |
SECTION 712:1-1-14. Rule making |
Editor's Note: See IMPORTANT Editor's Note regarding transfer of rulemaking authority for these rules at beginning of this Title 712 and Title 218.
[Authority: 70 O.S., §§ 6-171 through 6-178]
[Source: Codified 7-25-94]
[Authority: 70 O.S., §§ 6-171 through 6-178]
[Source: Codified 7-25-94]