Chapter 16. Licensed Marital and Family Therapists  

Subchapter 1. General Provisions
SECTION 86:16-1-1. Purpose
SECTION 86:16-1-2. Consumer information
SECTION 86:16-1-3. Definitions
SECTION 86:16-1-4. Applicability
Subchapter 3. Advisory Board Operations
SECTION 86:16-3-1. Statutory requirements
SECTION 86:16-3-2. Officers
SECTION 86:16-3-3. Rules of order
SECTION 86:16-3-4. Sub-committees
Subchapter 5. Rules of Professional Conduct
SECTION 86:16-5-1. Responsibility to clients
SECTION 86:16-5-2. Confidentiality
SECTION 86:16-5-3. Professional competence and integrity
SECTION 86:16-5-4. Responsibility to students, employees, and supervisees
SECTION 86:16-5-5. Responsibility to research participants
SECTION 86:16-5-6. Responsibility to colleagues
SECTION 86:16-5-7. Financial arrangements
SECTION 86:16-5-8. Advertising
SECTION 86:16-5-9. Candidate for LMFT licensure
SECTION 86:16-5-10. Failure to comply
Subchapter 7. Application for Licensure
SECTION 86:16-7-1. Fitness of applicants
SECTION 86:16-7-2. Application procedures
SECTION 86:16-7-3. Reapplication procedures
SECTION 86:16-7-4. Hearing upon denial of licensure application
SECTION 86:16-7-5. Academic and experience requirements
SECTION 86:16-7-6. Additional forms
Subchapter 9. Licensure Examinations
SECTION 86:16-9-1. Eligibility
SECTION 86:16-9-2. Format
SECTION 86:16-9-3. Frequency
SECTION 86:16-9-4. Application
SECTION 86:16-9-5. Notice of results
SECTION 86:16-9-6. Failure to appear
Subchapter 11. Supervised Experience Requirements
SECTION 86:16-11-1. Supervisor and supervisee responsibilities
SECTION 86:16-11-2. Acceptable supervised experience
SECTION 86:16-11-3. Supervisor qualifications
SECTION 86:16-11-4. Duration of supervised experience
SECTION 86:16-11-5. Documentation of supervised experience
Subchapter 13. Fees
SECTION 86:16-13-1. Fees established
SECTION 86:16-13-2. Schedule of fees
SECTION 86:16-13-3. Fees non-refundable
SECTION 86:16-13-4. Method of payment
SECTION 86:16-13-5. Review of fees
Subchapter 15. Issuance and Maintenance of License
SECTION 86:16-15-1. Issuance of license
SECTION 86:16-15-2. Replacement of certificate
SECTION 86:16-15-3. License renewal
SECTION 86:16-15-4. Continuing education.
SECTION 86:16-15-5. Inactive status
SECTION 86:16-15-6. Late license renewal; reapplication
SECTION 86:16-15-7. Misrepresentation
SECTION 86:16-15-8. Licensure by endorsement
Subchapter 17. Enforcement
SECTION 86:16-17-1. Purpose
SECTION 86:16-17-2. Complaints
SECTION 86:16-17-3. Investigation
SECTION 86:16-17-4. Filing of an action
SECTION 86:16-17-5. Hearing
SECTION 86:16-17-6. Final order
SECTION 86:16-17-7. Unauthorized practice
SECTION 86:16-17-8. Administrative penalties


Editor's Note: Effective 11-1-13, as set forth in House Bill 1467 (2013), “[a]ll powers, duties, responsibilities . . . of the State Board of Health, the State Department of Health, and the State Commissioner of Health relating exclusively to the regulation of Licensed Marital and Family Therapists. . . are hereby transferred and shall be placed under the authority of the State Board of Behavioral Health Licensure” [HB 1467 (2013), § 3(A)]. The following provisions in HB 1467 address the disposition of related rules:
      • Section 3 (not to be codified in the Oklahoma Statutes) provides that “[u]pon the effective date of this act, all administrative rules promulgated by the State Board of Health relating to the Marital and Family Therapist Licensure Act . . . shall be transferred to and become a part of the administrative rules of the State Board of Behavioral Health Licensure” [HB 1467 (2013), § 3(F)]. HB 1467 also directed the Office of Administrative Rules to place the transferred rules under the Administrative Code section of the State Board of Behavioral Health Licensure [see Editor’s Notice published at 32 Ok Reg 108]. Therefore, on 11-1-13, the rules in Chapter 400 of the Department of Health’s Title 310 [OAC 310:400] were transferred to this new Chapter 16 of the State Board of Behavioral Health Licensure’s Title 86 [OAC 86:16].
             For text of rules that were effective prior to the transfer of these rules on 11-1-13, see Chapter 400 of the Department of Health's Title 310 [OAC 310:400], as published in the 2011 Edition of the OAC and updated in the 2013 OAC Supplement.
      • Section 19 (amending 59 O.S., § 1925.5) directs the State Board of Behavioral Health Licensure to “[p]rescribe, adopt and promulgate rules to implement and enforce the provisions of the Marital and Family Therapist Licensure Act, including the adoption of the State Department of Health rules by reference; and [a]dopt and establish rules of professional conduct” [HB 1467 (2013), § 19(A)]. Although the State Board of Behavioral Health Licensure did not "adopt the State Department of Health rules by reference," the Board did adopt rules in a new Chapter 15 of Title 86, first by emergency action effective 4-23-14 and later by permanent action effective 9-11-15.
             For emergency rules related to Marital and Family Therapists that were promulgated by the State Board of Behavioral Licensure pursuant to HB 1467 (2013), § 19, and were effective from 4-23-15 through 9-10-15, see 32 Ok Reg 159.
             For permanent rules related to Marital and Family Therapists that were promulgated by the State Board of Behavioral Licensure to supersede the emergency rules, effective 9-11-15, see Chapter 15 of OAC Title 86.

[Authority: HB 1467 (2013), §§ 3 and 19]
[Source: Codified 11-1-13]