SECTION 230:15-9-18.1. Assigning voter registration addresses in the Street Guide  

Latest version.
  • (a)   An applicant for voter registration is required to provide election officials with a residence address for voting purposes. In situations where there is no street address consisting of a street name and house number for the residence, the applicant is required to provide a physical description of the residence address that is sufficient to locate said residence on a map for the purpose of determining the applicant's correct precinct, correct school district, and, where necessary, correct municipality. Applications for voter registration shall not be approved and activated unless the residence address can be assigned to a record in the Street Guide. This shall apply to applications for new registration and to applications for change of registration. For more information about residence addresses, see 230:15-5-84.
    (b)   When an applicant's residence address cannot be assigned to a record in the Street Guide, County Election Board personnel shall take the following actions before rejecting the voter registration application for insufficient residence address.
    (1)   If the street address provided by the applicant does not match a Street Guide record, County Election Board personnel shall take the following actions before rejecting the application.
    (A)   Determine whether the given street address may represent a new street or a new extension of an existing street. Create a new Street Guide entry if necessary.
    (B)   Determine whether the voter has used a variation of the correct street name. For example, if the voter has given the street name "Elm Street" but the correct name of the street is "Elm Tree Street," enter the applicant's residence address using the correct street name. Do not create a new Street Guide entry for the incorrect variation of the street name.
    (2)   If the applicant has provided a physical description of the location of the residence that is sufficiently detailed to locate the residence on a map, assign the address in the Street Guide.
    (3)   If the applicant has provided a physical description of the location of the residence that is not sufficient to assign the address in the Street Guide, County Election Board personnel are authorized to attempt to obtain information from the County Assessor's office to identify the correct section-township-range description of the voter's residence and to use that information to assign the voter to a section-township-range geographical location in the Street Guide as outlined below.
    (A)   An exact match between the applicant's full name and full route and box number, as provided on the voter registration application form, is found in the County Assessor's records. By comparing the physical description given by the applicant with the legal description obtained from the Assessor's records, the applicant's residence address can be assigned to a section-township-range geographical location in the Street Guide.
    (B)   An exact match between the applicant's name and route and box number and a record in the County Assessor's office is not found, but there is sufficient information to indicate that the voter registration applicant may be a family member of a property owner who has a route and box number. The applicant may be assigned in the Street Guide and the voter registration application may be approved and activated. Prepare an STR Confirmation Notice to inform the voter of the section-township-range geographical location to which he or she has been assigned. This notice offers the voter the opportunity to provide additional information if the assignment is not correct. Mail the STR Confirmation Notice to the voter with the voter identification card.
    (c)   If the residence address on a voter registration application cannot be assigned in the Street Guide exactly as it is provided by the voter, but the location of the address can be accurately determined, County Election Board personnel shall format the address in MESA to match the appropriate Street Guide record in order to assign the address or shall assign the address to a section-township-range location. If an address is either formatted to match an existing Street Guide record or assigned to a section-township-range location, a note shall be added to the voter registration application in MESA to identify the source used to identify the location of the residence. A notation concerning the source and the formatted address or section-township-range location may be made on the original voter registration application form concerning the source used to assign the address. The formatted address or section-township-range location may be written on the back of the form along with identification of the source used.
    (d)   If the residence address provided on a voter registration application cannot be assigned in the Street Guide even after taking the actions listed in (b) and (c) of this Section, the application shall be rejected. Enter a rejection code in the voter registration software to generate the appropriate rejection notice for the voter. Follow the software instructions to enter an explanation to the voter of the specific information needed in order to assign the residence address in the Street Guide and to approve the application.
[Source: Added at 18 Ok Reg 1862, eff 7-1-01; Amended at 20 Ok Reg 470, eff 1-2-03 (emergency); Amended at 20 Ok Reg 1087, eff 7-1-03; Amended at 22 Ok Reg 1859, eff 7-1-05; Amended at 27 Ok Reg 1124, eff 6-1-10; Amended at 35 Ok Reg 1185, eff 9-14-18]