Chapter 45. Housing Opportunities for Persons with Aids Program  

Subchapter 1. General Provisions
SECTION 330:45-1-1. Purpose
SECTION 330:45-1-2. Definitions
SECTION 330:45-1-3. No discrimination
SECTION 330:45-1-4. Conflicts of interest
SECTION 330:45-1-1. Purpose
SECTION 330:45-1-2. Definitions
SECTION 330:45-1-3. No discrimination
SECTION 330:45-1-4. Conflicts of interest
Subchapter 3. Application Procedures
SECTION 330:45-3-1. Summary
SECTION 330:45-3-2. Proposals
SECTION 330:45-3-3. Contractual obligations of Recipient
SECTION 330:45-3-1. Summary
SECTION 330:45-3-2. Proposals
SECTION 330:45-3-3. Contractual obligations of Recipient
Subchapter 5. Selection Process
SECTION 330:45-5-1. Ranking criteria
SECTION 330:45-5-2. Project Area
SECTION 330:45-5-3. Evaluation criteria
SECTION 330:45-5-1. Ranking criteria
SECTION 330:45-5-2. Project Area
SECTION 330:45-5-3. Evaluation criteria
Subchapter 7. State Hopwa Program Requirements
SECTION 330:45-7-1. General
SECTION 330:45-7-2. Supportive services
SECTION 330:45-7-3. Discretionary activities
SECTION 330:45-7-4. Insurance
SECTION 330:45-7-1. General
SECTION 330:45-7-2. Supportive services
SECTION 330:45-7-3. Discretionary activities
SECTION 330:45-7-4. Insurance
Subchapter 9. Limitations
SECTION 330:45-9-1. Contract
SECTION 330:45-9-2. Term of commitment
SECTION 330:45-9-3. Record keeping and record retention
SECTION 330:45-9-4. Miscellaneous limitations
SECTION 330:45-9-1. Contract
SECTION 330:45-9-2. Term of commitment
SECTION 330:45-9-3. Record keeping and record retention
SECTION 330:45-9-4. Miscellaneous limitations
Subchapter 11. Funding
SECTION 330:45-11-1. Grant funding
SECTION 330:45-11-2. Contractual obligations
SECTION 330:45-11-3. Deobligation
SECTION 330:45-11-1. Grant funding
SECTION 330:45-11-2. Contractual obligations
SECTION 330:45-11-3. Deobligation


[Authority: The Amended Trust Indenture and Bylaws of the Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency]
[Source: Codified 7-15-95]