Subchapter 43. Permanent Program Performance Standards: Surface Mining Standards  

SECTION 460:20-43-1. Scope
SECTION 460:20-43-2. Objectives
SECTION 460:20-43-3. Signs and markers
SECTION 460:20-43-4. Casing and sealing of drilled holes: general requirements
SECTION 460:20-43-5. Casing and sealing of drilled holes: temporary
SECTION 460:20-43-6. Casing and sealing of drilled holes: permanent
SECTION 460:20-43-7. Topsoil and subsoil
SECTION 460:20-43-8. Hydrologic-balance protection
SECTION 460:20-43-9. Hydrologic balance: water-quality standards and effluent limitations
SECTION 460:20-43-10. Diversions
SECTION 460:20-43-11. Hydrologic balance: sediment control measures
SECTION 460:20-43-12. Hydrologic balance: siltation structures
SECTION 460:20-43-13. Hydrologic balance: discharge structures
SECTION 460:20-43-14. Impoundments
SECTION 460:20-43-15. Postmining rehabilitation of sedimentation ponds, diversions, impoundments, and treatment facilities
SECTION 460:20-43-16. Hydrologic balance: stream buffer zones
SECTION 460:20-43-17. Coal recovery
SECTION 460:20-43-18. Use of explosives: general requirements
SECTION 460:20-43-19. Use of explosives: preblasting survey
SECTION 460:20-43-20. Use of explosives: blasting schedule
SECTION 460:20-43-21. Use of explosives: blasting signs, warnings, and access control
SECTION 460:20-43-22. Use of explosives: control of adverse effects
SECTION 460:20-43-23. Use of explosives: records of blasting operations
SECTION 460:20-43-24. Disposal of excess spoil: general requirements
SECTION 460:20-43-25. Disposal of excess spoil: valley fills/head-of-hollow fills
SECTION 460:20-43-26. Disposal of excess spoil: durable rock fills
SECTION 460:20-43-27. Disposal of excess spoil: preexisting benches
SECTION 460:20-43-28. Protection of underground mining
SECTION 460:20-43-29. Coal mine waste: general requirements
SECTION 460:20-43-30. Coal mine waste: refuse piles
SECTION 460:20-43-31. Coal mine waste: impounding structures
SECTION 460:20-43-32. Coal mine waste: burning and burned waste
SECTION 460:20-43-33. Disposal of noncoal mine wastes
SECTION 460:20-43-34. Stabilization of surface areas
SECTION 460:20-43-35. Protection of fish, wildlife, and related environmental values
SECTION 460:20-43-36. Slides and other damage
SECTION 460:20-43-37. Contemporaneous reclamation
SECTION 460:20-43-38. Backfilling and grading: general requirements
SECTION 460:20-43-39. Backfilling and grading: thin overburden
SECTION 460:20-43-40. Backfilling and grading: thick overburden
SECTION 460:20-43-41. Backfilling and grading: previously mined areas
SECTION 460:20-43-42. Backfilling and grading: steep slopes
SECTION 460:20-43-43. Revegetation: general requirements
SECTION 460:20-43-44. Revegetation: timing
SECTION 460:20-43-45. Revegetation: mulching and other soil stabilizing practices
SECTION 460:20-43-46. Revegetation: standards for success
SECTION 460:20-43-47. Subsidence control
SECTION 460:20-43-48. Subsidence control: public notice
SECTION 460:20-43-49. Cessation of operations: temporary
SECTION 460:20-43-50. Cessation of operations: permanent
SECTION 460:20-43-51. Postmining land use
SECTION 460:20-43-52. Roads: general
SECTION 460:20-43-53. Primary roads
SECTION 460:20-43-54. Utility installations
SECTION 460:20-43-55. Support facilities
SECTION 460:20-43-56. Interpretative rules related to general performance standards