Chapter 10. Archives and Records  

Subchapter 1. General Provisions
SECTION 60:10-1-1. Purpose
Subchapter 3. Records
SECTION 60:10-3-1. Records management program
SECTION 60:10-3-2. Records scheduling
SECTION 60:10-3-3. Records disposition authorization
SECTION 60:10-3-4. General Schedules and General Records Disposition Authorizations
SECTION 60:10-3-5. Destruction of duplicate records, substantive records, ancillary records, nonrecords materials, or damaged records
SECTION 60:10-3-6. Access to records transferred to the State Archives
SECTION 60:10-3-7. Review of records on deposit
Subchapter 5. Renting of Space [revoked]
SECTION 60:10-5-1. Renting of space for the storage of records [revoked]
Subchapter 7. Microfilm
SECTION 60:10-7-1. Authenticity and photographic quality
SECTION 60:10-7-2. Quality control standards
SECTION 60:10-7-3. Computer output microfilm (COM)
SECTION 60:10-7-4. Micrographics laboratory certification
Subchapter 8. Optical Imaging
SECTION 60:10-8-1. Purpose
SECTION 60:10-8-2. Scope
SECTION 60:10-8-3. Definitions
SECTION 60:10-8-4. Documentation standards
SECTION 60:10-8-5. Standards for the creation, use, and storage of records maintained on optical imaging systems
SECTION 60:10-8-6. Annual compliance report
Subchapter 9. Equipment Purchases [revoked]
SECTION 60:10-9-1. Equipment purchases for microfilming, optical imaging, and similar technologies [revoked]
Subchapter 10. Video Tapes and Audio Recordings
SECTION 60:10-10-1. Purpose
SECTION 60:10-10-2. Scope
SECTION 60:10-10-3. Standards for the storage of records maintained on video tapes and audio tapes
Subchapter 11. Service Fees
SECTION 60:10-11-1. Authority to set fees
SECTION 60:10-11-2. Archival microfilming service fees
SECTION 60:10-11-3. Charges for special equipment and supplies
SECTION 60:10-11-4. Storage fees


[Authority: 67 O.S., §§ 212, 214, 301, and 316]
[Source: Codified 12-31-91]